Friday, 16 July 2010

An update

Before ....

And after ...
Well we're now officially open. Photo has been taken mid-set up. I need to take more pics for you.
Had a 'do' on Tuesday night and 60+ people turned up. Three days in and I've almost made my weekly target ... a target that I didn't expect to achieve until a few month's time. So I am chuffed to pieces.
I'm also a little bit nervous about my stock levels and will need to reorder stock very soon. I guess that's a good place to be. Everyone that has come through the doors ( which includes 40 paying customers!!!) has said that they love the atmosphere and love the range of work.
A huge thank you to my Mum for helping out. And a huge thank you to my artists and makers for having the faith to let me sell their stuff.
Lots more space to fill than I thought, along with a great deal more time needed to set this thing up. Looking good but need more makers. I already have gaps because work is selling!!!
Luckily, 1st exhibition starts in a couple of weeks so more work on its way. Website now up and running at and the PR machine is cranking into action now that the paintbrushes have been put to rest.
Lots of Love
T x

1 comment:

  1. Wow it looks amazing. Well done Tracey! Can't wait to see pics of inside.
